Lots of changes

October 26 2023

I promised to update about my life in August, but unfortunately, nothing of the sort happened. So many things have happened, and I am trying to talk about everything that has happened after this post, 'cause my memory has already been super bad anyway. Thanks to my ADHD and autism, love it (not really).

First of, I believe you noticed a change of color in the layout, right? I meant to code something completely different, but my current coding brain is dedicated to another project, and I cannot start 500 projects at the same time. I still hope you enjoy the colors and whatnot. It was just a quick header and CSS change, that's how lazy I currently am.

Anyways. As of September 11th, I have started my second internship in the field of eldercare, and it was nice until I contracted covid by the end of the week, and I had to struggle for a week. Although I felt better like barely a week after, I was still feeling a little weak from everything. I got myself a Meta Quest 2 because I wanted to play VR and I missed hanging around with people in VRChat. I had a lot of fun with the times I was playing, but after my week of Covid was over, there was another blow.

Guess what. I'm single. My five years relationship has ended. I am not going fully into detail on what exactly happened; all I can and want to say is that my ex has started to show a very nasty side of himself, and he has decided to make it public on twitter. It was not good, I was anxious, I couldn't eat or sleep properly, and it surely was mentally draining on top of that. But people had realized that what he did was not okay, and in the end were covering my back and saying that I didn't deserve him. Also, please do not go ask around for the tea, even if you are curious. It's been a month and I have officially concluded with that chapter in my life and want to move on. I prefer to be single for now, because five years aren't something you cannot just toss away for the next person to hump on. I don't need to jump into the next relationship, I am not the type of person, and I never have been. I prefer to be lonely for now until I feel ready to fall in love again.

The whole ordeal went for almost a week, and it was the week after covid and the week my sick note ended. So yeah, I was exhausted. In the end, the internship didn't get extended, but I have still decided to not give up but keep going. Life goes on, nothing's over.

This is all what happened in a span of the past months, or mainly September. The entire month was a shitfest itself, and October has started to become the month of recovering from everything. I am back at the workshop now and I work at the Bakery department. I enjoy there, the colleagues are nice and the work isn't as hectic as in the Kitchen department.

Once I have more to tell I will. I am still alive and breathing, and I am trying my best as well.

Until next post.